Empowered Living
St. Louis–based Allegro Senior Living has been creating and operating luxurious residential communities for seniors for over 40 years. But never before in Miami. As the company prepared to open their first ‘vertical’ property ever, the 22-story Allegro Dadeland, they came to LGD to help fine-tune the Allegro brand for the more urban, mostly Cuban-American demographics of southern Miami-Dade County.
First, we gave the brand identity a makeover, with subtler colors, etc. Then, we nudged the brand tagline, ‘Inspired Living’, to the slightly more engaging, ‘Empowered Living’, setting the tone for a campaign that focuses on the personal growth and self-discovery that are inherent to the Allegro Senior Living brand.
Brand Development
Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing
Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing
Produced while at LGD Communications, Inc.
Additional Due Credits:
Executive Creative Director: Len Dugow
Creative Director & Copywriter: Chris McCauley
Additional Due Credits:
Executive Creative Director: Len Dugow
Creative Director & Copywriter: Chris McCauley